As a continuing effort to promote the development and experience sharing of Next Generation Internet technologies and applications in Hong Kong, HKNGIS (the Hong Kong Next Generation Internet Society) is pleased to organise a technical webinar with the theme “How can you Safeguard Crypto-Assets?” to be held in the afternoon of December 14, 2022 (Wednesday) on Zoom.

Interest in digital assets such as digital currencies and NFTs has surged in the past few years. However, the corresponding risks and uncertainties are also growing rapidly. Any holder of digital assets must take steps to safeguard them, and there are a range of options with varying levels of security. Best protection methods depend on how a user stores assets, and with which institutions, as both security and reliability differ widely in this burgeoning field.

We have invited Mr Kok Tin Gan Of PwC and Mr Nick Ng of Fortinet to talk in the webinar on the topics of “how to safeguard crypto-assets”, and to share their expertise on the theme subject. The target audience is the IT managers and professionals in enterprises and IT organizations in Hong Kong. Join this webinar to hear insights about protecting crypto-assets from the industry experts.


The Hong Kong Next Generation Internet Society (HKNGIS) has been incorporated since January 2009 as a non-profit professional body with the primary objective of promoting the development and use of the Next Generation Internet in Hong Kong.

The mission of HKNGIS is to promote the Next-Generation-Internet (NGI) development in Hong Kong by providing a forum for the dissemination and appreciation of technical information relating to NGI and the sharing of experience in developing NGI infrastructure and applications for the benefit of the members of the Association and the general public.


<aside> 💡 You can click on the Speaker names to view the speaker details.


Dec 14, 2022


Hong Kong Next Generation Internet Society

Supporting Organizations

British Computer Society (Hong Kong Section)

BCS-HKS Logo.jpg

Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute


Hong Kong Association of Computer Education

Hong Kong Computer Society

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Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited


Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council

Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association


Information and Software Industry Association


ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter


Knowledge Management Development Centre

Smart City Consortium

Organizing Committees

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